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What is the best combination of mung beans

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What is the best combination of mung beans


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  • 2024-06-14 01:00:00

    1. Mung bean and pumpkin: clear heat and detoxify, warm stomach and quench thirst, tonify middle and replenish qi. Rinse the mung beans with clear water, peel the pumpkin and clean the pulp with clear water, cut it into 2cm square pieces for use, add 500ml of water to the pot, boil the mung beans for 2 minutes, pour in a little cold water, boil again, put the pumpkin into the pot, and cover the pot.

    2. Millet, corn and mung bean porridge also has the function of clearing heat, reducing fire, moistening intestines and relieving constipation. Because millet, corn and mung bean porridge are rich in dietary fiber, they can promote defecation, while mung bean is cold in nature.

    3. Kelp and mung bean porridge has the function of clearing heat, detoxification, cooling blood and clearing lung. It is suitable for people with dry and hot physique and acne.


    2024-06-14 01:00:00

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