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A complete list of home-made dishes for nourishing the stomach (what are the home-made dishes for nourishing the stomach)

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A complete list of home-made dishes for nourishing the stomach (what are the home-made dishes for nourishing the stomach)


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  • 2024-06-13 13:01:40

    Homely dishes for nourishing the stomach are very useful in winter, especially Hu Aishan ribs pot, mutton pot and yam pot. Fried vegetables also have stomach nourishing dishes, such as clear fried purple cabbage, fried Chinese yam with agaric, and acetic acid dishes. Carrots, pumpkins, spinach, sweet potatoes and many other single dishes are common home dishes for nourishing the stomach.

    1、 What are the home dishes for nourishing the stomach

    Most stomach nourishing dishes are composed of stomach nourishing dishes. Boil some soup to nourish your stomach. There are also some ribs, beef, etc. Very popular. In addition, there are many home-made dishes to nourish the stomach. Let's get to know them.

    1. Spinach: It can nourish the liver, benefit the intestines and stomach, and relieve constipation. It also has the effect of nourishing the stomach.

    2. Egg: egg yolk contains a large amount of lecithin and cephalin, which has a strong maintenance effect on gastrointestinal mucosa.

    3. Honey: contains glucose, fructose, organic acid, yeast vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients, which can maintain the ulcer surface of gastrointestinal mucosa.

    4. Black fungus: The gum in black fungus is a good product for adults to nourish their intestines and stomach.

    5. Cabbage: It contains a lot of vitamin C, which can relieve pain and promote ulcer healing.


    2024-06-13 13:01:40

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