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He Zhiyi (About He Zhiyi's Basic Details)

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He Zhiyi (About He Zhiyi's Basic Details)


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  • 2024-06-30 06:02:25

    1. He Zhiyi, who graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2001 with a doctor's degree in engineering, has been committed to the cause of luminescence, lighting and display for 20 years. He has been engaged in technical development and academic research in this field for a long time, completed a number of enterprise engineering projects including material and device research, circuit module design and optical simulation software development, and won 3 utility model patents, One invention patent being applied for.

    2. He has published many academic papers, 8 of which have been included in SCI and cited by others for more than 50 times, and 10 of which have been included in EI.


    2024-06-30 06:02:25

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