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Information about tortoises (basic details about information about tortoises)

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Information about tortoises (basic details about information about tortoises)


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  • 2024-07-02 20:00:00

    1. "Gui", a standard first class character (commonly used) in modern Chinese, is pronounced gu dang in Mandarin, which was first seen in the era of oracle bone inscriptions in the Shang Dynasty and belongs to pictographic characters in the Six Books.

    2. The basic meaning of "tortoise" is a family of reptiles, with hard armor on the abdomen and back, head, tail and feet can shrink into the armor, which is resistant to hunger and thirst, and has a long life, such as tortoise and tortoise shell; The extended meaning is tortoise.

    3. In daily use, "tortoise" is also often used as a noun, meaning "j", the same as "chap".

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