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Introduction to specialties of Xihe County, Longnan (List of specialties of Xihe County, Longnan)

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Introduction to specialties of Xihe County, Longnan (List of specialties of Xihe County, Longnan)


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  • 2024-06-14 17:01:39

    1. Xihe Bapan Pear

    2. Qiu Chishi

    3. Xihe insole

    4. Xihe Guokui

    5. Xihe Noodles

    6. Sanfan rice

    7. Xihe Hele Noodles

    8. Xihe Potato

    9. Xihe Zanthoxylum bungeanum

    10. Sand inlaid cake

    11. Potato balls

    12. Xihe Pinellia ternata

    13. Xihe Barbecue Noodles

    14. Fish rice

    15. Xihe hemp paper


    2024-06-14 17:01:39

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