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Sannai (basic details about Sannai)

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Sannai (basic details about Sannai)


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  • 2024-06-18 18:01:37

    1. Third Daughter's Wife, also known as Linshui Mrs. Li, is a goddess believed by Chinese people and a sworn sister of Aunt Chen Jing, the founder of the Taoist Three Daughter Sect in Lushan.

    2. She made obeisance to Chen Jinggu and Lin Shaniang, practiced Lu Mountain Taoism together, and killed demons to help others.

    3. In the end, she was granted the title of Yuanjun, and the three sisters were collectively called "Mrs. Three Nails" (Mrs. Li Nai, Mrs. Chen Nai, and Mrs. Lin Nai).

    4. A fairy for protecting women and children.

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