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What brand is josiny? About how much is the bag (what brand is josiny)

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What brand is josiny? About how much is the bag (what brand is josiny)


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  • 2024-06-14 07:00:01

    1. Josiny is a domestic women's shoes brand Zhuoshini. The main products of the brand are women's shoes, children's shoes, bags, etc. It was founded in 1997 when Grandma, with fashionable style and high cost performance.

    2. Zhuoshini women's shoes brand mainly focuses on modern and fashionable women as the main consumer group. The product attaches great importance to the integration of fashion and comfort, and the price is appropriate, which is mainly used to serve the vast consumer groups. The moral of Zhuo Shini is "freedom, progress and dream". Through constant innovation and design, Zhuo Shini gradually has a sense of versatility and comfort. This brand covers fashion and leisure, suitable for different consumers.

    3. How to maintain Zhuoshini shoes?

    4. For different fabrics and shoe types, shoes need different maintenance methods.

    5. If the shoes are made of leather, they must not be washed directly with water to avoid deformation and damage to the leather. Clean the surface dust with a soft cloth, and then use leather shoe cleaner to maintain and clean the vamp.

    6. If the shoes are made of suede, sponge or nylon brush can be used for cleaning to avoid damage to the suede of the shoes.

    7. If there are stains on the shoes that are not easy to clean, be sure to use special detergent for cleaning and maintenance. While cleaning, the shoes can also be maintained to avoid damage to the surface of the shoes. The washed shoes should not be exposed to the sun, which may increase the damage to the shoes.

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