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What is the official standard thought (basic details about what is the official standard thought)

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What is the official standard thought (basic details about what is the official standard thought)


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  • 2024-06-27 03:00:00

    1. The "official standard" system refers to the social and political system based on the "official standard" value orientation.

    2. "Official standard" is not a strict scientific concept but a popular saying, which first appeared in the 1980s.

    3. This statement originated from a special term in economics - the gold standard.

    4. The gold standard refers to a monetary system in which gold is the standard currency.

    5. Use gold as a single value measure to measure the value of other commodities.

    6. From this point of view, when the term "official standard" was first proposed, it had at least one meaning: whether to be an official or not was regarded as a core social value yardstick to measure the social status and value of individuals.

    7. With the development of society, its meaning has been enriched, not limited to this.

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