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Youxian Grottoes (basic details about Youxian Grottoes)

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Youxian Grottoes (basic details about Youxian Grottoes)


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  • 2024-06-09 09:01:35

    1. The Immortal Cave is a legendary novel of the Tang Dynasty published by China Classical Literature Publishing House, written by Zhang Zhuo. It describes the source of the Fengshi River in the form of autobiography, and visits the Immortal Cave among the local population in Jishi Mountain near Jincheng (today's Linxia, Gansu).

    2. Stay in the mansion at night, laugh and banter with two women, and enjoy singing and dancing.

    3. It is the first time to write the dissolute and frivolous life of prostitutes in the early Tang Dynasty into a legendary novel.

    4. It is created in the form of four or six parallel prose, which is basically the same as the form of prose variation, rhyme and white singing. It is lively, colorful and vulgar, and some people call it "new style novel".

    5. This work was lost for a long time. It spread to Japan in the Tang Dynasty and was copied back to China in modern times.

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