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What do you mean


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  • 2024-06-14 00:01:37

    You mean:

    Interpretation 1


    You: Your generation. You, etc. you. What will you do.

    Last name.

    Interpretation 2


    [Name] (Pictophoney. From water, female voice. Original meaning: Ru River) is the same as the original meaning of Ru River. Ru River came out of Hongnong Lu's family and returned to Shandong to Huaihe River—— Shuowen.

    According to, from Henan to Anhui, it is a tributary of the Huaihe River. It refers to Rukiln or porcelain produced by Rukiln. Ru kiln is one of the famous kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty. The kiln is located in the territory of today's Ruzhou City, Henan Province. In ancient times, it belonged to Ruzhou Road, hence its name. For example: Ru Kiln flower bag (Ru Kiln's flower arrangement porcelain)



    You are often used to refer to your peers or descendants as the emperor—— Shu Shun Dian

    Ge Ruzhong—— Book of Pan Geng

    Your father made swords for the King of Chu—— Jin · Ganbao "Sought God"

    You also know how to shoot—— Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu's "Record of Returning to the Field"

    I can make peace with you—— Liezi Tang Wen

    Another example: your generation (you); You are called "you", which means that you are intimate with each other. The common people used to whisper with those who respected you from the roadside—— Biography of Liu Jingting by Huang Zongxi in Qing Dynasty

    Another example: Ruer

    Interpretation 3

    (1) "Ru" in Minnan (including Taiwanese), Chaozhou, Leizhou and Hainan dialects means "you".

    Eg: Do you like to buy? Do you want to buy it; Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten yet;

    Don't read books! You can't stop reading.

    (2) In Hakka, "you" also means "you".

    Example: Do you eat at night? Did you have dinner

    Interpretation 4

    One of the generation of Yan Clan in Jialing, Xiangcheng, Henan: ". Zhi, Qin, Ru, Ben, Ran."

    [Extended Data]

    Relevant data:

    Book of Songs, National Style, Zhou Nan, Ru Tomb

    Follow your grave and cut its pieces. Without a gentleman, it is like regulating hunger.

    Follow your grave and cut its articles. Seeing a gentleman, I will not abandon him.

    The blunt snout fish with its tail is like the destruction of the royal family. Although it is like destruction, parents Kong You.


    Walk along the bank of Ru River

    Cut off the branches and leaves with a knife.

    I haven't seen my sweetheart for a long time.

    Suffering from hunger and thirst.

    Walk along the bank of Ru River.

    Chop down the twigs with a knife.

    I have met my sweetheart.

    Don't keep me away.

    The tail of the bream is red and red.

    The royal family was on fire.

    Although the dispatch was like fire.

    Parents are in need of sacrifice.

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