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Pomegranate trees should be transplanted well in a few months (Pomegranate trees)

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Pomegranate trees should be transplanted well in a few months (Pomegranate trees)


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  • 2024-06-13 15:01:37

    1、 Pomegranate tree

    The pomegranate tree has a beautiful appearance, and its flowering lasts for several months. The flowers bloom in May and June every year. It can be described as a combination of food and appreciation. In addition, pomegranate has wide adaptability, strong disease resistance and easy cultivation, so pomegranate has become a very popular fruit tree variety.

    Pomegranate has a unique shape. Its peel has hundreds of seeds. Its grains are crystal clear, sweet and sour, delicious and nutritious. It is not only fresh fruit, but also can be used to make cool drinks. According to the clinical experience of physicians and traditional Chinese medicine, pomegranate has many effects, such as promoting fluid production, reducing acid, softening blood vessels, stopping diarrhea, detoxification, and cooling. Most people have the habit of eating fresh pomegranates. Therefore, pomegranate is the king of fruits, which has both edible value and medicinal value. Pomegranate is distributed in parts of the country. There are famous edible pomegranates and sweet pomegranates with white skin in Lintong, Shaanxi. Their grains are as white as snow, like jade, paste, and extremely sweet. There are red pomegranates, red grains, and sour taste. There are also green shell pomegranates in Mengzi County, Yunnan Province, green skin pomegranates in Sichuan Province, soft seed pomegranates in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, white seed sugar pomegranates in Anhui Province, and carmine pomegranates in Guangxi Province.

    Pomegranate trees have a lot of flowers but fall seriously. The fruit setting rate is very low, the yield is unstable, and the phenomenon of big and small years is serious. According to the survey in Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, pomegranate trees generally enter the fruiting period at the age of 15, with a single yield of 20-30 kg, up to 50-100 kg.

    2、 Pruning methods of pomegranate trees

    Pomegranate should be pruned reasonably according to different ages and tree vigor, select and cultivate backbone branches, and rapidly expand the pomegranate crown to achieve timely results. In the first year after planting, all branches and leaves are kept, and trees and roots are raised to promote growth. In the next year, keep the bone trunks and branches according to the selected tree shape, and remove all slender branches on the backbone and sprouting branches on the ground. Keep and use the branches on the tree as much as possible. Generally, short branches cannot be used, and really dense branches can be loosened.

    For the first batch of fruit trees, attention should be paid to the cultivation of lateral branches. For more information, see the following practices:

    1. Pruning small trees

    Let it grow naturally in the first year. From February to March of the next year, leave 1~3 strong branches for each tree to cultivate, and remove all other branches. In the future, always remove the buds and twigs growing near the ground from the trunk. From August to September of the third year, the tree body shall be shaped, and all twigs below 1 m above the ground of each tree trunk shall be cut off. 4-6 thick main branches shall be left on each tree trunk to make the crown round, and the tree height is generally 1.6-2.0 m.

    2. Sparse branches

    In addition to sparse sprouting branches (shoots generated from sprouting tillers), lower hanging branches, lateral branches, branches damaged by diseases and pests, and dead branches, the branches are thin, thick, evenly distributed, and the canopy is well ventilated and transparent. When pomegranate trees fall flowers, the twigs should be properly cut to reduce the consumption of nutrients.

    3. Trim the overgrown branches

    All branches extending from the trunk and main branch base shall be cut off as soon as possible. If the clustered branches in the middle of the crown are conducive to the expansion of the crown, 2~3 branches can be left for use. Any overgrown branches disturbing the tree shape shall be cut off from the base to facilitate the ventilation and light transmission of the crown and promote the results. They said, "The pomegranate tree should be empty and its top should be skillful." It means that the branches of the tree should not be dense, so that good pomegranates can be produced.

    4. Trim the lateral branches.

    During July August, do not leave branches in the space 45 cm above the ground. If there are branches, they should be thinned as soon as possible to facilitate the growth of the upper branches. This side cutting cannot be carried out too early or too late. If it is too early, shoot again

    Pomegranate should be planted in places with high terrain, sufficient sunshine and good drainage and ventilation. Potted plants should also be placed in sunny places to give them more sunshine. Loose and well drained soil is also used for pot planting. It is not advisable to water too much. Flowering period is once every 2-3 days, once every sunny day, once or twice every day in fruiting period and summer, and once every day after autumn. Keep the soil slightly moist. When watering during flowering, do not water the petals, or they will easily rot. Pomegranate prefers fat. Whether planted on the ground or potted, the soil should be applied with cake fertilizer, dry manure or manure.

    From April, it is better to top up the decomposed fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer every other day until the fruit is ripe. Pomegranate plants should be moved indoors to keep warm in winter, but the indoor temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will cause early budding, which is not conducive to flowering and fruit bearing in the next year. After the beginning of spring, it is not advisable to move out of the room early before the buds sprout, or the leaves will not come out for a long time, which is commonly known as "stuffy seedlings". In order to make pomegranate grow well, we should not only pay attention to light, soil, water, fertilizer and other management measures, but also timely prune. The pruning period is generally once in spring and summer. When pruning in spring, the thin and weak branches, overlapping branches, clumped branches, and pest and disease branches should be cut off from the base. Potted pomegranate also needs to cut off some main branches that are too dense to make the branches evenly distributed. When cutting in summer, it is mainly to cut off the luxuriant vertical branches, and select only one symmetrically distributed main branch for each tree, so as to achieve proper density, not waste nutrients, promote the full development of axillary buds at the base, ensure good flowering and good results. Pomegranate, without shade, should be placed in a sunny place during the growing season; In summer, it can be basked in the hot sun. The more the sun shines, the more colorful the flowers are and the more fruits are.

    3、 How to Cultivate and Manage Pomegranate Trees

    In pomegranate trees, you can buy very high-quality pomegranate trees in many places, and they are planted by ordinary people. The crown and shape of the tree are very good. It is generally single stem pomegranate with diameters ranging from 5cm to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, and 20cm, and crown width of 250~330. Although the pomegranate tree is planted alone, its appearance and quality are first-class.

    How about the price list of pomegranate trees: 0.5 yuan for 0.5 cm pomegranate seedlings, 0.8 yuan for 0.8 cm pomegranate seedlings, 1.2 yuan for 1 cm pomegranate seedlings, 2 yuan for 1.2 cm pomegranate seedlings, 3 yuan for 1.5 cm pomegranate seedlings, 7 yuan for 2 cm pomegranate seedlings, 28 yuan for 3 cm pomegranate seedlings, 70 yuan for 4 cm pomegranate seedlings, 90 yuan for 5 cm pomegranate trees, The price of 6 cm pomegranate tree is 110 yuan, 7 cm pomegranate tree is 150 yuan, 8 cm pomegranate tree is 190 yuan, 9 cm pomegranate tree is 260 yuan, 10 cm pomegranate tree is 290 yuan, 11 cm pomegranate tree is 380 yuan, 12 cm pomegranate tree is 460 yuan, 13 cm pomegranate tree is 600 yuan, 14 cm pomegranate tree is 900 yuan, 15 cm pomegranate tree is 1600 yuan, The price of 18cm pomegranate tree is 2800 yuan, the price of 20cm pomegranate tree is 3800 yuan, the price of 25cm pomegranate tree is 6000 yuan, and the price of 30cm pomegranate tree is 9000 yuan. The price of more than 30cm pomegranate tree can be determined only after both parties have talked.

    4、 When does the pomegranate tree bloom

    Pomegranate may be loved by everyone. Its flesh is crystal clear, like pink jewels. It tastes sour and sweet. When you have no appetite, it's good to eat some pomegranate. Let's take a look at Ma's encyclopedia. Do you know when pomegranate trees bloom and bear fruit? Pomegranate flowers are beautiful.

    It is the season to appreciate cherry trees recently. The cherry blossoms in Wuhan University are very enchanting. Did you go to have a look? It doesn't matter if you don't look at cherry blossoms. You can look at pomegranate flowers. Generally speaking, pomegranate trees bloom in May, and pomegranate flowers bloom for a long time. They can bloom until September. It's good to enjoy cherry blossoms after enjoying peach blossoms and pomegranate flowers again.

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