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He Wenhui (About He Wenhui's Basic Details)

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He Wenhui (About He Wenhui's Basic Details)


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  • 2024-06-22 03:01:36

    1. He Wenhui, alias Maopao, was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province on May 16, 1981. He graduated from Guangzhou Institute of Finance and Economics, and is an actor from mainland China.

    2. In 2001, he acted in the first personal film Shaolin Football, which officially entered the performing arts circle.

    3. In 2004, acting in the movie Kung Fu won some attention.

    4. In 2008, the starring film The Classic of Tea was deeply loved by the audience.

    5. In 2013, he starred in the movie "Westward Journey, Subduing the Devil" directed by Stephen Chow, which is known to more people.

    6. In 2014, the popularity of acting in the funny costume comedy Bao Xiao Gong Tang directed by Guan Xiaojie began to soar.

    7. Since then, he has appeared in Daxia Ritian? The Big Bang of Lies, Late Night Drugstore, Late Night Bookstore 3 and other films and TV plays.

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