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When is the best time to eat cod liver oil

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When is the best time to eat cod liver oil


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  • 2024-06-13 18:00:00

    1、 When is the best time for babies to eat cod liver oil

    Fish liver oil supplementation for infants starts from the neonatal period.

    When is the best time for baby to eat cod liver oil? Generally speaking, adding cod liver oil to a baby should start from the neonatal period, that is, from 3-4 weeks after birth, give the baby concentrated cod liver oil, one drop a day at the beginning, gradually increasing, up to 5 drops. For premature infants, twins and newborns with digestive tract diseases, cod liver oil is added from the second week after birth, 5-7 drops at most every day, and 3-5 drops every day after a month.

    At the same time, you can take an appropriate amount of calcium, not more than 0.5g per day. It is also important to emphasize that you should not eat too much cod liver oil. Excessive consumption will lead to poisoning. Do not eat continuously for two months. not overdo sth. It is recommended to give your baby more sunshine.

    2、 When does baby cod liver oil eat in a day

    What's the best time to eat cod liver oil during the day? As for when to eat cod liver oil, experts point out that it is best for babies to eat cod liver oil half an hour after breast feeding in the morning. After eating, it can be better absorbed in the sun. If the baby does not have obvious calcium deficiency, do not take it for a long time. You can take one tablet every other day, or stop taking it for a period of time. Avoid taking it with milk.

    3、 How to eat baby cod liver oil

    1 to 2 ml per day for babies of 1-3 months old; 2-2.5ml per day for babies aged 3-6 months; 2.5-5ml/day from 6 months to 1 year old; 5 ml per day for children over 1 year old. But finally, mothers should master one principle: the daily intake of vitamin D by babies should not exceed 400 IU. If it exceeds 400 IU/day, it will be poisoned after one month! Cod liver oil can not be supplemented every day, because the baby's breast milk and diet will contain a certain amount of vitamin A and vitamin d every day. Basically, it will be healthier to stop eating for half a month after two months.

    4、 What kind of cod liver oil is good for babies

    What cod liver oil should baby eat? How to choose cod liver oil? The netizen Baby 1234 shared her experience in choosing cod liver oil in detail, mainly as follows:

    Baby cod liver oil should not be excessive.

    1. Choose natural cod liver oil.

    Choose natural cod liver oil instead of synthetic vitamin AD. The so-called cod liver oil currently prescribed by the hospital is actually a synthetic vitamin AD. Because natural cod liver oil is food grade and cannot be sold in hospitals, there is no natural cod liver oil in hospitals. But for babies, eating natural cod liver oil is safer and more reliable than taking synthetic vitamin AD.

    2. Choose cod liver oil from Norway or New Zealand.

    Norway or New Zealand cod liver oil is selected as the raw material, because the cod liver oil in these two places is the best in the world, with the least pollution and the most stable quality.

    3. Comply with international standards, dose value and proportion of each dose.

    When choosing, mothers should focus on whether the ingredients and doses meet international standards, dose values and the proportion of each dose. Choose cod liver oil with the ratio of vitamin A to vitamin D between 4:1-3:1, and the optimal ratio is 3:1, which is also the safe gold ratio recommended by the state; Choose cod liver oil with vitamin A content of about 120033541500 IU. Mother should pay attention to that if the baby has anorexia, nausea, fatigue, low fever, even vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, blood calcium greater than 3mmol/L and other symptoms, cod liver oil should be stopped immediately. This is because the baby has taken too much cod liver oil. It is necessary to avoid sun exposure and take the baby to the doctor in time.

    4. Six months is the watershed of age.

    When choosing cod liver oil for your baby, remember that 6 months is the watershed of age. Babies 6 months ago have high requirements for cod liver oil. They should not have flavor enhancers. They should pay special attention to various ingredients, so there is not much cod liver oil available at this age. Here is a reminder for mothers. If mothers see that cod liver oil is 0-3 years old in the age appropriate column, this cod liver oil must not be so good.

    5. Dosage form

    Vitamin A and D are fat soluble vitamins, so soft capsules (or drops) and emulsions are the best ways to preserve them. The cod liver oil can be made into an emulsion to reduce its fishy smell and greasy feeling, and the taste is slightly good. The cod liver oil contained in the drops is small and accurate, suitable for infants. At the same time, it should be noted that children of different ages must choose corresponding doses of cod liver oil.

    6. Color

    The color of cod liver oil varies from light yellow to orange red, which is mainly related to its type and added ingredients, but not to its quality. For example, shark liver oil is usually lighter in color. There is a basic principle to judge the quality of cod liver oil, that is, when it is full of oil, its color is transparent and its quality is good. However, the presence of impurities or unknown precipitates indicates that the purification process is poor or has deteriorated. Therefore, it is better to choose cod liver oil in transparent capsules, so that you can directly observe the color and permeability of cod liver oil.

    7. Fishy smell

    The current extraction process can not completely remove the fishy smell of cod liver oil. If a certain cod liver oil is particularly fishy, check whether it contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), commonly known as cerebrogold, because it also has fishy smell. Those who do not like the fishy smell can choose cod liver oil soft capsule, which can not only cover the fishy smell, but also has the characteristics of convenient carrying, high utilization rate and good stability. However, the capsule needs to be dissolved and released in the stomach, so it is suitable for adults with good gastrointestinal function.

    5、 When will baby cod liver oil be eaten

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