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Biography of the Three Kingdoms 10 (basic details of Biography of the Three Kingdoms 10)

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Biography of the Three Kingdoms 10 (basic details of Biography of the Three Kingdoms 10)


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  • 2024-06-28 21:01:35

    1. Most of the online screenshots of the works created for netizens are Biography of the Three Kingdoms 7.

    2. Biography of the Three Kingdoms 10 is no longer just a systematic article, but focuses on the in-depth refinement of the plot.

    3. In the six dynasties, in addition to the well-known classic plots, such as the three marriages in Taoyuan, the eighteen princes fighting against Dong thieves, Kongming's verbal battle with Jiangdong Confucians, and the loss of his wife and the surrender of troops, such as the debate between Yang Xiuyi and Su, and the equivalent anecdotes of Deng Aifeng, all were presented beautifully through the new plot system.

    4. The interpretation of "one horse is worth a thousand" in the Six Generations has made some players happy and others worried. In a word, the Six Generations have combined the 1.3 generation official system, enriched the gorgeous skill picture of the second generation, modified the event frequency of the third generation, improved the map mode of the fourth generation, and refined the killing skills and soldier upgrades of the fifth generation, This enterprising spirit is also an important reason for this series to continuously create new sales achievements.


    2024-06-28 21:01:35

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