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Digitization of Nanjing Medical University (basic details about the digitalization of Nanjing Medical University)

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Digitization of Nanjing Medical University (basic details about the digitalization of Nanjing Medical University)


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  • 2024-07-01 22:01:34

    1. At present, the center has 18 staff members, including engineering technicians, teaching assistants, management personnel and technical workers.

    2. The main functions of the Modern Education Technology Center include the construction, management and service of campus network and digital campus, multimedia support for teaching, news photography, video and audio support for large school activities and conferences.

    3. In recent years, the Center has focused on the construction of campus network software and hardware environment and the construction of school informatization, actively promoted the construction and application of campus networking, digitization and informatization, vigorously promoted the construction of information resources, and provided technical support services for the informatization construction of teaching, scientific research and management.

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