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Html5 (basic details about html5)

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Html5 (basic details about html5)


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  • 2024-06-11 07:00:00

    1. HTML5 is a language description method for building Web content.

    2. HTML5 is the next generation standard of the Internet, a language way to build and present Internet content, and is considered as one of the core technologies of the Internet.

    3. HTML came into being in 1990. In 1997, HTML4 became an Internet standard and was widely used in the development of Internet applications.

    4. HTML5 is the specification of the core language HTML in the Web. The content that users see when browsing the web page by any means is originally HTML format, which is converted into recognizable information through some technical processing in the browser.

    5. HTML5 has made some improvements on the basis of previous HTML4.01. Although technicians may not put these new technologies into application during the development process, website developers and technicians must understand the new features of this technology.

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