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Hangzhou Zheda Datian Information Co., Ltd. (About Hangzhou Zheda Datian Information Co., Ltd.)

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Hangzhou Zheda Datian Information Co., Ltd. (About Hangzhou Zheda Datian Information Co., Ltd.)


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  • 2024-06-16 06:00:00

    1. Hangzhou Zheda Datian Information Co., Ltd., founded in 1996, is one of the earliest software enterprises engaged in manufacturing informatization research and development and service in China, and one of the first batch of national 863CIMS system integration and consulting companies designated by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

    2. It is the first major backbone enterprise engaged in the research, development, consultation, sales and service of the application technology of manufacturing informatization construction in China, and has long provided complete software products and technical consulting services with independent copyright such as CAD, CAPP, EDM, PDM, CRM and DES to customers.

    The introduction of Hangzhou Zheda Datian Information Co., Ltd. in this article is over, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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