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Radio and TV broadband (basic details about radio and TV broadband)

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Radio and TV broadband (basic details about radio and TV broadband)


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  • 2024-06-21 23:00:52

    1. Broad band of radio and television is usually operated by local cable television network companies (stations), which provide broadband services to users through HFC (fiber optic+coaxial cable hybrid network) network, and connect to computers through CableModem. The theoretical maximum speed to the home is 38M (2.0 devices) and 150M (3.0 devices). The actual speed depends on the specific situation of the network.

    2. The telecommunications network uses ADSL mode to connect to users using telephone lines.

    3. Radio and television network companies are in the second stage of network development. They need to promote the construction of network systems by expanding multi-functional business and improving service levels, so that cable television networks can truly have broadband, two-way, multi-functional carrying capacity, and turn ordinary people's television reception terminals into home multimedia information terminals.

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