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Sanya Pearl Square (basic details of Sanya Pearl Square)

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Sanya Pearl Square (basic details of Sanya Pearl Square)


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  • 2024-06-19 02:00:00

    1. Sanya Pearl Square covers an area of 26 mu, with a building area of 56000 square meters, one floor underground and eight floors above the ground, with a total investment of 112 million yuan.

    2. Sanya Pearl Square is equipped with a 1500 square meter large indoor transparent viewing hall, a 4000 square meter outdoor cultural square, and the first high-rise three-dimensional indoor parking building in Hainan, with a total of 500 parking spaces.

    3. Sanya Pearl Plaza is a large-scale shopping center with the largest single building scale and the most complete hardware facilities and functions in Sanya.


    2024-06-19 02:00:00

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