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Shen Donghai (basic details about Shen Donghai)

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Shen Donghai (basic details about Shen Donghai)


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  • 2024-06-29 23:00:00

    1. Shen Donghai, male, graduated from Zhejiang University majoring in computer in his early years, majoring in law as a minor.

    2. Mr. Shen Donghai is the initiator of the harmonious software process, a researcher in the cross field of Chinese law and computer, a practicing lawyer in mainland China (A), a senior computer engineer, a senior project manager, a consultant to the Chinese system analyst advisory group, a national system analyst, an information system project manager, and a drafter of software industry norms.

    3. Government procurement review expert of Hangzhou Dajiangdong Industrial Cluster.

    4. Advisor to the Hisai Advisory Group.

    5. Member of Shaoxing Calligrapher's Association.

    6. The Graduate Association of the School of Computer Science of Zhejiang University of Technology became the deputy head of the Academic Department.

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