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Class Memorial Book (basic details about the class memorial book)

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Class Memorial Book (basic details about the class memorial book)


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  • 2024-07-02 12:00:00

    1. Class album. Four years of college life is the best time in the journey of life. It records every bit of college life and all the things with students. A graduation photo and a class album filled with graduation speeches, gifts and messages are all fine works that must be treasured and shared.

    2. The appearance of this product is a miracle. It has had a chain reaction in Shenzhen as soon as it appeared. Colleges and universities have adopted it one after another. Graduates can't put it down. They can see it everywhere on campus, in classrooms, in dormitories, in dining halls. It has become the most important thing that must be taken away from campus. It gathers the knowledge learned over the years, the teachings of teachers, and the friendship of students.

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