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Kaba (basic details about Kaba)

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Kaba (basic details about Kaba)


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  • 2024-06-21 21:00:00

    1. Alhaji Ahmed Tejan Kabbah was born in Kailahun, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone on February 16, 1932, and died on March 13, 2014. He is of Mandingo nationality and believes in Islam.

    2. In his early years, he studied at Oxford University, the Law School of the London Law Association, the University of Wales and Cardiff Business School, and obtained a bachelor's degree in economics.

    3. After returning to China in 1959, he served successively as the standing secretary of the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Education.

    4. He went to London to study law in 1968, and later worked as a senior lawyer in the London Council Hall.

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