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On the job postgraduate examination network (basic details of on the job postgraduate examination network)

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On the job postgraduate examination network (basic details of on the job postgraduate examination network)


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  • 2024-06-30 01:01:34

    1. China On the job Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network is one of the core websites of LANLON EDUCATION. It is a national online enrollment service platform for on the job postgraduates and a publicity and consultation platform for all on the job postgraduate enrollment units.

    2. The China On the job Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network mainly provides the latest enrollment trends of high-end education projects, such as on-the-job masters, on-the-job doctors, on-the-job research, and so on, providing the most timely, accurate, and authoritative education information free of charge for scholars, and providing fast online consulting services for scholars, To build a bridge for the students to communicate with the enrollment units throughout the country.

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