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Xiangyu (a specialty of Yueqing City)

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Xiangyu (a specialty of Yueqing City)


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  • 2024-06-14 20:00:00

    1. Product name: fragrant fish

    2. Product alias: fine scale fish,

    3. Product origin: Nanxi River, Wenzhou, Jiangsu Province

    4. Product characteristics; The meat is tender and fatty, fresh and fragrant, and has a unique flavor.

    5. Product composition; Protein, fat, starch and other nutrients.

    6. Product efficacy: nourishing and health care

    7. Product introduction: Fish is a peculiar and valuable freshwater fish in Nanxi River. Its body is 15-20 cm long. It is slender and flat on its side. Its head is small and its snout is pointed. Its mouth is big and its eyes are small. Its upper part is bluish yellow, its back edge is pale black, and its side and abdomen are silver white. It is covered with small scales. Each fin has no hard spines. There is a small fat fin behind its dorsal fin and a yellow spot above its ventral fin. Because there is a cavity full of balsam on its back, It is named after its strong fragrance

    8. Product history: Xijiang is rich in fragrant fish, which has been famous for a long time. As early as the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, fragrant fish were produced in Nanxi River. According to the Records of Wenzhou Prefecture by Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, the fragrant fish "is three or four inches long, tastes good without fishy smell, and has a clear life only in October, which is less different from happy production". The Annals of Wild Goose Dang Mountain also records that: "Every place where you go to swing water has it. The west of the swing water flows to Yongnan River, and it also has it from Fenglin, Dangxi, Xiatan, and Gumiaotan." The fragrant fish, commonly known as "stream carp", is also called melon fish, which belongs to the Salmonlike order Huzhuo, hence its name. The fragrant fish has a long and flat body, a small head and a sharp mouth, a thin scale, a gray black back, and a silver white belly. The fish is delicate, fatty, delicious and fragrant. It is a first-class food fish, a valuable economic fish, and is known as the "king of freshwater fish".


    2024-06-14 20:00:00

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