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What does a camel's hump store

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What does a camel's hump store


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  • 2024-06-13 15:01:37

    1. The fat stored in the camel's hump can be decomposed into nutrients needed by the body when food is not available for the survival of camels.

    2. Camels can endure hunger and thirst. After drinking enough water, they can not drink water for several days and can still move in hot and dry desert areas. Because there are many thin and winding pipes in their noses, the pipes are usually wet with liquid. When the body is short of water, the pipes immediately stop secreting liquid, and form a layer of hard skin on the surface of the pipes, which can absorb the exhaled water without losing it outside the body; When inhaling, the moisture in the hard skin can be sent back to the body. Water can be used repeatedly in the body, so it can resist thirst.

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