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Luo Haiqiong's personal data (basic details about Luo Haiqiong's personal data)

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Luo Haiqiong's personal data (basic details about Luo Haiqiong's personal data)


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  • 2024-06-19 04:02:26

    1. Luo Haiqiong, female, born in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province on August 10, 1973, is an actress from mainland China and graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy.

    2. In 1998, he participated in the performance of his first TV play "Soul of Harbin Military", thus entering the performance circle.

    3. In 1999, he starred in Lotus Boy Nezha.

    4. In 2000, she was recognized by the audience for her role in "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind".

    5. In 2005, he starred in "The Great Song Dynasty Presents Criminal Officials".

    6. In 2008, she was nominated as the best actress of the 24th Golden Eagle TV Festival with the beautiful wedding dress.

    7. In 2009, she was nominated as the Best Actress of the Magnolia Award at the 15th Shanghai TV Festival with "Drunken with Money".

    8. In 2011, she starred in Borrowing a Gun.

    9. In 2015, he starred in Cold Winter.

    10. In 2017, he participated in Youth Fun and Kite, starring in Hunting Ground.

    11. In 2018, he won the Huading Award with Kite.

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