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Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 smartphone function leakage

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Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 smartphone function leakage


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  • 2024-06-14 07:00:01

    It seems that the function of Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 has been leaked and uploaded to Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 plug-in application source code. Having said that, this gives us a better understanding of the expectations of the official debut of the Watch 3 in the near future.

    More specifically, the watch is expected to be equipped with a fall detection function, which will remind the user of an emergency if the user falls in an emergency. In addition, it seems that there are as many as 47 new dials to choose from, which provides more customizable options for the wearer.

    That said, Samsung has not yet provided an official statement on the leakage, so please be careful. Not only that, there is no information about the release date, exact technical specifications and local prices in Malaysia.


    2024-06-14 07:00:01

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