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Lavoisier experiment (introduction to basic details of Lavoisier experiment)

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Lavoisier experiment (introduction to basic details of Lavoisier experiment)


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  • 2024-06-19 17:00:00

    1. Lavoisier experiment is a scientific experiment designed by Lavoisier to explore combustion in October 1774.

    2. Lavoisier put forward a new combustion theory based on the experimental results: he believed that combustion was by no means the escape of phlogiston, but the violent interaction between matter and oxygen, releasing light and heat.

    3. He also made a correct analysis of the composition of air: there is one fifth of oxygen in the air, which can help combustion; Four fifths of nitrogen (Lavoisier called suffocating air) cannot help combustion.

    4. Lavoisier's experiment has epoch-making significance. It is a revolution in chemical theory, which overthrew the phlogiston theory that has ruled for nearly a century.


    2024-06-19 17:00:00

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