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Phoebe sleepwalking in fairyland (basic details about Phoebe sleepwalking in fairyland)

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Phoebe sleepwalking in fairyland (basic details about Phoebe sleepwalking in fairyland)


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  • 2024-06-29 15:01:35

    1. Phoebe in Wonderland is a 96 minute fantasy film produced by Silverwood Films in the United States.

    2. Directed by Daniel Barnes, the film starred Felicity Hoffman, Alice Fanning, Patricia Clarkson, Bill Pullman, and Bailey Madison, and was released in the United States on January 20, 2008.

    3. The film tells the story of the little girl Phoebe, who hopes very much to play in Alice in Wonderland. After being selected by the drama teacher of the school, she will not only finish her homework, but also participate in rigorous drama rehearsals.

    4. Under the heavy pressure, she imagined another wonderful "fairyland" in her mind, and gradually could not extricate herself from the fantasy world.


    2024-06-29 15:01:35

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