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The boss can lend me 200000 yuan for urgent needs?

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The boss can lend me 200000 yuan for urgent needs?


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  • 2024-06-02 00:01:34

    As long as you don't die? Is there no difficulty without death? You can't even talk without reading your book well? You said that you could do anything to break the law... urgently... to break the law? What else can I borrow? Go to the bank right now? Take off your pants and fart? Don't you beat yourself up? Speaking frankly? No matter how good a boss is, he will not help a man without brains? Bad people also want you to do bad things, and help you only when you earn money? You won't even borrow ten yuan from strangers? I tell you: you borrow money like this? Is it easy to be trapped by bad guys? Kill your family. Someone on the Internet borrowed 1000 yuan and said to pay it back in March? Did you return it before March? The other side didn't respond? In March, the other party passed the court summons to ask him to pay back 600000 yuan? He was beaten to pieces. The other party showed all the videos, signatures and loan certificates. He forced his father to pay 400000 yuan for his house, and his elder sister to marry 200000 yuan. You want to kill yourself for 1000 yuan? Is it difficult? It's on TV.

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