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What is the omen of abortion (what is the omen of abortion)

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What is the omen of abortion (what is the omen of abortion)


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  • 2024-06-13 19:00:00

    Pregnant women may encounter some corresponding problems during pregnancy. Because every expectant mother's physical condition is different, and every mother's condition is also different. Abortion is a problem that every expectant mother may have to face during pregnancy, and it is also a problem that every expectant mother does not want to face. Today, let's learn about the omens of abortion.

    1、 What are the omens of miscarriage

    1. Threatened abortion: a small amount of vaginal bleeding, usually dark red or bloody leucorrhea, followed by paroxysmal lower abdominal pain or low back pain. The cervix was not opened, the fetal membrane was not broken, the pregnancy products were not discharged, the size of the uterus was consistent with the number of menopausal weeks, and pregnancy was expected to continue. After rest and treatment, if the bleeding stops and the lower abdominal pain disappears, the pregnancy can continue; If vaginal bleeding increases or abdominal pain intensifies, it can develop into inevitable abortion.

    2. Inevitable abortion: indicates that abortion is inevitable. It develops from threatened abortion. When vaginal bleeding increases, paroxysmal lower abdominal pain increases, or vaginal fluid (rupture of fetal membrane) appears. Check that the cervical opening has expanded, and sometimes it can be seen that the embryonic tissue or fetal sac is blocked in the cervical opening, and the size of the uterus is the same as or slightly smaller than the number of menopausal weeks.

    3. Incomplete abortion: some of the pregnancy products have been discharged from the body, some have been left in the uterine cavity, or are embedded in the cervix, which is developed from the inevitable abortion. Some pregnant materials remained in the uterine cavity, affecting uterine contraction, resulting in continuous uterine bleeding, or even shock due to excessive bleeding.

    4. Complete abortion: all pregnant materials have been discharged, vaginal bleeding gradually stops, and abdominal pain gradually disappears.

    2、 How to deal with abortion symptoms during pregnancy

    First, adjust your mind and keep a happy mood. For all kinds of discomfort caused by pregnancy, it is necessary to realize that this is a normal physiological reaction. If it is not particularly serious, you should be confident to persist in tolerance, avoid excessive anxiety, and do not abuse drugs to alleviate symptoms.

    Secondly, keep good living habits. Ensure adequate and good rest and sleep; Bathing should not be too long; Do proper housework and physical exercise; Eat less coffee, tea, cola and other caffeinated foods; Keep your hair clean, try not to dye or perm your hair, and use less cosmetics.

    Third, nutrition should be balanced, diet should be light, a small number of meals, avoid sweets, high calorie snacks, fat meat, fried food, etc. Foods with high salt content, such as bacon, ham, salted fish, bean curd, should not be eaten. Avoid irritants, such as pepper, coffee, strong tea, etc. Don't eat more foods and fruits with high starch content.

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