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Zongyang Middle School (basic details about Zongyang Middle School)

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Zongyang Middle School (basic details about Zongyang Middle School)


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  • 2024-06-06 08:01:38

    1. Zongyang Middle School of Anhui is an exemplary ordinary senior high school in Anhui Province. Founded in 1946, Zongyang Middle School in Anhui Province was initially named Private Siyi Junior High School.

    2. In 1951, it was renamed as "Hudong County Zongyang Junior High School".

    3. In 1953, it was renamed as "Anhui Zongyang Junior High School".

    4. In 1953, it was renamed "Anhui Zongyang Middle School".

    5. According to the official website of the school in December 2016, the new campus of the school covers an area of 396 mu, with a total construction area of 80000 square meters. It has 54 teaching classes, 227 formal staff and more than 3200 students.

    The basic details of Zongyang Middle School in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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