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Is grape skin edible (grape skin has good anti-cancer effect)

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Is grape skin edible (grape skin has good anti-cancer effect)


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  • 2024-06-13 16:00:00

    Grape skin has always been a neglected nutrition treasure house. Many people like to eat grapes, but they spit grape skins. In fact, grape skins are very nutritious, so can you eat grape skins? Can eating grape skins be poisoned? Let's take a look at Cao Baoguo.

    1、 Grape skin is edible and anti-cancer

    Why don't people eat grape skins?

    1. Too thick grape skin affects the taste.

    The grape skin is very unpleasant and affects the taste. When people eat grapes, they "slip" the flesh directly into their mouths, and the grape skin disappears. Some grape skins are dull and bitter, which may be due to too much plant fiber.

    Fruit notes: most of the grape varieties are cultivated and improved, with thin skin and delicious taste. For example, some varieties of Kyoho grapes even have no seeds, which are more delicious than raisins. It's also delicious with grape skins. Stealth: What's the taste of Kyoho grape?

    2. There are pesticides on the grape skin.

    There must be many "bacteria" on the grapes bought. Because grapes are very sweet, many mosquitoes will be attracted during planting. Moreover, the grape skin is also exposed without the cover of leaves, so many mosquitoes and bacteria have been on the skin. Sometimes they spray pesticides to avoid pests. Over time, grape skins were naturally disliked because they were not clean.

    Fruit note: In fact, grape planting technology is very advanced and standardized. During planting, grape skins will be bagged or wrapped with thin white paper, so that grape skins will not be eroded and attached by harmful substances.

    3. There is white powder on the grape skin, which cannot be washed off.

    When we buy grapes, we always see that there is a layer of white powder on them. We soak them in water for half an hour without white powder coming down. Therefore, we suspect that these white powders are harmful substances attached to grape skins and dare not eat them.

    Fruit Note: The white powder on the grape skin is not pesticide, but sugar alcohol. Pesticides will not stick to the grape skin, will not wash off, and will not be indifferent to soaking in water. This layer of white powder is actually the protective layer of grapes to avoid water loss of grapes or excessive sun exposure. These hoarfrosts are harmless to human body.

    Knowledge expansion: How to distinguish normal hoarfrost from pesticide hoarfrost?

    To some extent, hoarfrost is a sign of grape freshness, but it can not prevent some businesses from spraying low concentration bactericidal pesticides. The specific identification method is that the normal "white frost" is naturally and evenly distributed, and does not cover the color of the grape skin itself, so the grapes will look more beautiful. However, if it is the medicament "hoarfrost", the appearance distribution is uneven, and there will be dark blue marks inside.

    2、 Grape skin can be eaten and has a lot of nutrition

    1. Grape skin has a strong anti-cancer effect.

    Grape skin contains a substance called resveratrol, which can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and has a strong anti-cancer ability.

    2. Grape skin can delay aging.

    The anthocyanins in grape skin are several times more abundant than those in fruit flesh. Anthocyanin is a very good antioxidant, which is very good for skin care and repair. Anthocyanins can protect muscles from free radicals and maintain skin elasticity. In addition, there are tannins in grape skins, which can alleviate skin aging.

    3. Grape skin protects the heart

    The grape skin contains flavonoids, which can increase the high-density lipoprotein in the blood and reduce the cholesterol produced in the blood. The resveratrol mentioned above can also effectively reduce blood viscosity, which has a good effect on controlling blood vessel expansion and platelet coagulation, so it can effectively prevent thrombosis.

    4. Grape skin reduces hypertension.

    Flavonoids rich in grape skins can also increase blood flow rate, thereby softening blood vessels, thereby improving the blood environment and effectively reducing blood pressure.

    5. Grape skin can regulate sleep

    Grape skin contains special ingredients, which can promote the brain pineal gland to secrete melatonin, regulate sleep, and improve insomnia. Therefore, eating grape skins is of great significance for regulating sleep. People who often suffer from insomnia might as well eat more grapes, including skins.

    Conclusion: The quality of grape varieties is good. It's healthier to eat some strawberries grown by farmers themselves. If you encounter a good variety, you can buy some back!

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