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Can Alipay continue to be used after the mobile phone number is cancelled (can WeChat still be used after the mobile phone number is cancelled)

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Can Alipay continue to be used after the mobile phone number is cancelled (can WeChat still be used after the mobile phone number is cancelled)


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  • 2024-06-13 21:00:00

    1. WeChat can be used after the mobile phone number is cancelled. WeChat will not be unavailable because of the cancellation of the mobile phone number. After the mobile phone number is cancelled, WeChat can change the phone number bound to WeChat.

    2. How does WeChat change the bound phone number:

    (1) Open WeChat and click me.

    (2) Click Settings.

    (3) Click the account and security at the top.

    (4) Click the mobile number.

    (5) Click to change the phone number.

    (6) Enter the replacement number and click Next to complete the binding.

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