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Western Xia Mausoleum (basic details about the Western Xia Mausoleum)

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Western Xia Mausoleum (basic details about the Western Xia Mausoleum)


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  • 2024-06-22 02:01:36

    1. The construction of the Western Xia Mausoleum National Archaeological Heritage Park project was officially approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in July 2011. The Institute of Historic Buildings of the Chinese Academy of Architectural Design and Research, which is responsible for the preparation of the Overall Plan of the Western Xia Mausoleum National Archaeological Heritage Park, has sent personnel to the scenic spot for field investigation, demonstration and preparation.

    2. In December 2017, the Western Xia Tomb National Archaeological Site Park was included in the third batch of 12 national archaeological site parks.

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