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The meaning of unreachable (basic details about the meaning of unreachable)

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The meaning of unreachable (basic details about the meaning of unreachable)


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  • 2024-06-25 00:01:36

    1. It is a Chinese idiom, pronounced bi  n ch á ng m ò j í, and comes from the Xiao Ting Continuation of Wei Bai Xiang Xiang Xiang Gong by Zhao Lian in the Qing Dynasty: "Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Guangdong are far away, and now the full army will withdraw suddenly, fearing that if there is any change, it will be impossible to reach.

    2. "It means that although the whip is very long, it cannot hit the horse's belly. It means that the whip is too far away to do anything.

    3. It is generally used as a predicate in a sentence; It means that the distance is too far to help.

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