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Stellera chamaejasme (Basic details about Stellera chamaejasme)

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Stellera chamaejasme (Basic details about Stellera chamaejasme)


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  • 2024-06-11 10:00:00

    1. Perennial herb with oblong leaves, whorls, unisexual flowers, capsule bearing, oblate.

    2. The root is poisonous and can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine to expel phlegm and relieve pain.

    3. It is mostly found in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau of China. Its roots, stems and leaves all contain large toxins, which can be made into medicaments for external application, which can dissipate the accumulation and clear blood.

    4. It can also be used as pesticide to control moths and aphids.

    5. But people and animals must not eat it.

    6. Stellera chamaejasme has a large root system and strong water absorption ability. It can adapt to dry and cold climate. It is difficult for the surrounding herbs to fight against it.

    7. The more developed its root system, the greater its toxicity.

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