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Is the property responsible for vehicle damage or theft in the community

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Is the property responsible for vehicle damage or theft in the community


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:08

    Property theft in the community If the property company has fulfilled its security obligations according to the property contract, the property does not need to be liable for property theft; If the property does not fulfill the corresponding obligations, the property needs to compensate the owner of the stolen property.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 285 of the Civil Code states that the realty service enterprise or other managers shall, upon the entrustment of the owners, manage the buildings and their ancillary facilities within the building area in accordance with the provisions of Part III of this Law on realty service contracts, accept the supervision of the owners, and promptly respond to the owners' inquiries about realty services.

    The property service enterprise or other managers shall implement the emergency response measures and other management measures implemented by the government according to law, and actively cooperate with relevant work.

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