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Do parents break the law by taking their children's lucky money

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Do parents break the law by taking their children's lucky money


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:20

    It is not against the law for parents to keep it for themselves. New Year's money is a child's personal property, but for minors, it is not suitable to keep and dispose of larger property. Parents can only help the child to keep or make decisions to dispose of property for the benefit of the child after asking for the child's advice.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 35 of the Civil Code, a guardian shall perform his duties of guardianship in accordance with the principle of being most beneficial to his ward. The guardian shall not dispose of the property of the ward except to safeguard the interests of the ward.

    The guardian of a minor shall perform his duty of guardianship and, when making a decision relating to the interests of the ward, shall respect the true wishes of the ward according to the age and intellectual status of the ward.

    When performing the duty of guardianship, adult guardians shall respect the true wishes of their guardians to the greatest extent, and ensure and assist their guardians in carrying out civil legal acts appropriate to their intellectual and mental health. The guardian shall not interfere in the affairs that the ward is capable of handling independently.

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