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How soon can I get out of the detention center

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How soon can I get out of the detention center


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:16

    How long you can come out of the detention center depends on whether there is a criminal act and whether you should bear criminal responsibility. If there is no criminal act or you should not bear criminal responsibility according to law, you will be released naturally after investigation. The law does not stipulate when we can get out as soon as possible.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 96 of the Civil Procedure Law, if the people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security organ find that the coercive measures taken against the criminal suspect or defendant are improper, they shall cancel or change them in a timely manner.

    If the public security organ releases the arrested person or changes the measures of arrest, it shall notify the People's Procuratorate that originally approved the release.


    2024-05-26 14:01:16

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