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Does the Criminal Law stipulate that there is any attempted bribery

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Does the Criminal Law stipulate that there is any attempted bribery


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:56

    Bribery is attempted. It is a crime of bribery to give money or property to a state functionary in order to seek illegitimate benefits.

    In economic exchanges, anyone who, in violation of State regulations, gives a relatively large amount of money or property to a State functionary or, in violation of State regulations, gives a State functionary rebates or service charges in various names shall be regarded as offering bribes and punished.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 389 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China states that it is a crime of offering bribes if a state functionary is given money or property in order to seek illegitimate benefits.

    In economic exchanges, anyone who, in violation of State regulations, gives a relatively large amount of money or property to a State functionary or, in violation of State regulations, gives a State functionary rebates or service charges in various names shall be regarded as offering bribes and punished. It is not bribery to give money or property to a state functionary for extortion without obtaining illegitimate benefits.


    2024-05-26 13:00:56

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