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When to evaluate land price

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When to evaluate land price


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:16

    Land price evaluation shall be carried out under the following circumstances:

    1. When formulating or updating the benchmark land price of large, medium and small cities or towns;

    2. When the land use right is transferred, leased, mortgaged or priced into shares;

    3. When handling the transfer of land use right or the state takes back the land use right;

    4. Enterprise restructuring, the establishment of a listed or unlisted company involves the disposal of land assets or the verification of enterprise assets;

    5. When it is necessary to verify land assets for enterprise merger, bankruptcy, asset liquidation and capital verification;

    6. When the judicial arbitration involves the disposal of land assets;

    7. When it is necessary to collect land taxes according to the amount of land assets;

    8. When land price evaluation is required according to laws and regulations.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 40 of the Land Administration Law, reclamation of unused land must go through scientific demonstration and evaluation, and be carried out within the reclaimable area designated in the general plan for land use after approval according to law.

    It is forbidden to destroy forests and grasslands to reclaim cultivated land, to reclaim land from lakes and to occupy beaches of rivers. According to the general plan for land use, land reclaimed and reclaimed that destroys the ecological environment should be returned to forests, pastures and lakes step by step in a planned way.

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