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Conditions for court enforcement

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Conditions for court enforcement


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:12

    1. The legal document applied for enforcement has come into force;

    2. The person applying for enforcement is the obligee or its successor or successor as determined by the effective legal document;

    3. The person applying for enforcement shall apply within two years after the legal document takes effect;

    4. The legal document applied for execution has the content of payment, and the object of execution and the person to be executed are clear;

    5. The obligor fails to perform its obligations within the time limit specified in the effective legal document;

    6. It shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court to which enforcement is applied.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 224 of the Civil Procedure Law states that legally effective civil judgments and rulings, as well as the property portion of criminal judgments and rulings, shall be executed by the people's court of first instance or the people's court at the same level as the people's court of first instance where the property being executed is located.

    Other legal documents required by law to be executed by the people's court shall be executed by the people's court in the place where the person subjected to execution has his domicile or where the property subjected to execution is located.


    2024-05-26 14:01:12

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