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What are the obligations of the operator when the goods subject to "three guarantees" do not meet the quality regulations or agreements

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What are the obligations of the operator when the goods subject to "three guarantees" do not meet the quality regulations or agreements


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  • 2024-05-26 14:02:03

    If the goods subject to three guarantees do not conform to the quality regulations or agreements, the operator shall bear the following obligations: no fees shall be charged if the goods meet the return conditions;

    If the operator fails to repair within the specified or agreed time limit, it shall provide spare goods; To bear other reasonable costs such as transportation costs, work delay costs, etc. incurred by consumers due to repair, replacement and return.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 24 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers stipulates that if the goods or services provided by a business operator do not meet the quality requirements, the consumer may return the goods or require the business operator to perform the obligations of replacement or repair in accordance with the provisions of the State and the agreement of the parties concerned.

    In the absence of State regulations and agreement between the parties, the consumer may return the goods within seven days from the date of receipt of the goods; If the conditions for legal termination of the contract are met seven days later, the consumer may return the goods in time. If the conditions for legal termination of the contract are not met, the consumer may require the operator to perform the obligations of replacement, repair, etc.

    Where the goods are returned, replaced or repaired in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the business operator shall bear the necessary expenses such as transportation.

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