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What is the scope of inheritance notarization

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What is the scope of inheritance notarization


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:40

    The scope of inheritance notarization is as follows:

    1. The lawful income of citizens;

    2. Citizens' houses, savings and daily necessities;

    3. Citizens' trees, livestock and poultry;

    4. Cultural relics, books and materials of citizens;

    5. Means of production that the law permits citizens to own;

    6. Property rights in citizens' copyright and patent rights;

    7. Other lawful property of citizens.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 1122 of the Civil Code, heritage is the legal personal property left by a natural person at the time of his death. No inheritance shall be allowed to an estate that is not inheritable according to law or its nature.

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