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If the company doesn't buy social security for employees, can employees sue the company

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If the company doesn't buy social security for employees, can employees sue the company


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  • 2024-05-25 14:01:42

    If the company fails to pay the social security according to the regulations, the employees cannot sue in the court, because this is not within the scope of the court's case acceptance.

    However, workers can report to the local labor supervision department; You can also make up for the social insurance by yourself, and then sue the unit, asking the unit to return the social insurance fees that should be borne by the unit.

    [Legal basis] According to Article 58 of the Social Insurance Law, the employer shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration for its employees within 30 days from the date of employment.

    If social insurance registration is not handled, the social insurance agency shall verify the social insurance premiums that should be paid.

    Individual businesses without employees who voluntarily participate in social insurance, part-time employees who do not participate in social insurance in the employing unit and other flexible employees shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration.

    The State shall establish a national unified personal social security number. The personal social security number is the citizen identity number.


    2024-05-25 14:01:42

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