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How to write an IOU for borrowing money from others

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How to write an IOU for borrowing money from others


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  • 2024-05-26 12:01:37

    The writing of the IOU shall include the following contents:

    First, the full legal names of the creditor and the debtor should be clearly written, and if they are natural persons, the ID card number should also be written.

    Second, the specific amount of the debt should be written down, including the amount in words and figures.

    Third, the specific reasons for arrears should be clearly stated, especially for large amounts of arrears.

    Fourth, write clearly the calculation of the specific interest of the arrears, which should have a clear annual or monthly interest rate.

    Fifth, the time limit and payment method for repayment of principal and interest on the debt note shall be clearly stated.

    Sixth, it shall be signed by the debtor in person and printed by hand.

    Seventh, it is better to also write the liability for breach of contract for overdue payment, and also agree on the competent court.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 668 of the Civil Code, a loan contract shall be in written form, except where the loan between natural persons is otherwise agreed.

    The contents of a loan contract generally include terms such as the type, currency, purpose, amount, interest rate, term and repayment method of the loan.

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