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What should I do if I don't pay back the money with the IOU

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What should I do if I don't pay back the money with the IOU


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  • 2024-05-26 04:01:32

    If there is an IOU but the other party does not pay back the money, you can ask for the money back by means of prosecution.

    If the other party has no property in its name after the court makes a judgment on compulsory execution, it can only resume execution after the person subjected to execution obtains new property or the court has new property clues about the person subjected to execution.

    [Legal basis] In Article 240 of the Civil Procedure Law, the executor shall send a notice of execution to the person subjected to execution after receiving the application for execution or the transfer of execution, and may immediately take enforcement measures.


    2024-05-26 04:01:32

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