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What is real right? What is real right

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What is real right? What is real right


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:23

    It refers to that the obligee has the right to directly control and exclude specific things according to law, including ownership and other real rights (usufruct and security interest).

    In other words, it refers to the right of natural persons and legal persons to directly control immovables or movables, including ownership, usufruct and security interest.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 207 of the Civil Code states that the real rights of the state, the collective, the private and other obligees shall be equally protected by law and shall not be infringed by any organization or individual.

    Article 208 The establishment, alteration, transfer and extinction of the real right of a realty shall be registered in accordance with the law. The establishment and transfer of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with the law.

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