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What are the circumstances of rescission of property preservation

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What are the circumstances of rescission of property preservation


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:10

    The circumstances of property preservation cancellation are as follows:

    1. Where a party applies for property preservation before litigation, and the interested party fails to bring a lawsuit within 15 days after the adoption of the preservation measures;

    2. The respondent provides guarantee to the people's court in accordance with relevant regulations;

    3. The applicant withdraws his application during the property preservation period, and the people's court agrees to withdraw his application;

    4. The respondent applies for reconsideration, and the court makes a new ruling accordingly, revoking the original property preservation ruling;

    5. The respondent fulfilled the obligation of the people's court's judgment according to law;

    6. There is a time limit for freezing, sealing up or distraining the property of the respondent.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 104 of the Civil Procedure Law states that in a property dispute case, if the respondent provides security, the people's court shall rule to cancel the preservation.


    2024-05-26 14:01:10

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